Report metrics and dimensions

Bid Performance Report

The Bid Performance Report allows users to see information about their bids and win rates, broken down along similar dimensions used in other Performance Reports. It allows customers, to answer questions like:

  • What is my win rate for this Line Item / Campaign / Advertiser?
  • How often am I bidding?
  • How did increasing or decreasing my bid price affect my win rates?

Included Metrics:

  • Total Bids
  • Average Bid Price (in CPM)
  • Total Impressions
  • Win Rate (impressions / bids)

Please note that only bids submitted to the exchanges will be counted in the Bid Performance Report.

These metrics can be aggregated across most dimensions in other reports e.g. at the advertiser, campaign, line item and creative levels.


MonthMonth Name
Advertiser IDAIDEM Advertiser ID
Advertiser NameAIDEM Advertiser Name
Campaign IDAIDEM Campaign ID
Campaign NameAIDEM Campaign Name
Line Item IDAIDEM Line Item ID
Line Item NameAIDEM Line Item Name
Creative IDAIDEM Creative ID
Creative NameAIDEM Creative Name
Campaign Alternative IDCustomer Campaign ID (Alternative ID field in Buzz)
Line Item Alternative IDCustomer Line Item ID
Advertiser Alternative IDCustomer Advertiser ID
Inventory Source IDThe full list of inventory sources available can be found here for desktop and here for mobile
Placement TypePlacement type of the impression (banner, video, banner and video, native, unknown)
Bid Modifier IDAIDEM Bid Modifier ID
Bid Modifier NameAIDEM Bid Modifier Name
Data CenterData Center Utilised
Ads_text CodeAds_text Response
Account IDAccount ID of Buzz key
Seat IDSeat ID
light NameAIDEM Flight Name
Flight IDAIDEM Flight ID


Average Bid PriceAverage bid price in CPM
BidsNumber of bids submitted to exchange(s)
ImpressionsNumber of impressions counted
Win rateExpressed as a percentage (Number of Impressions/Number of Bids)

Conversion Report


DayYYYY-MM-DD - Based on time of conversion.
MonthMonth name
Advertiser IDAIDEM Advertiser ID
Advertiser NameAIDEM Advertiser Name
Event IDAIDEM Event ID
Event NameAIDEM Event Name
Account IDAIDEM Account ID
City CodeCity Code
CityCity Name
Country CodeCountry Code
CountryCountry Name
Metro/DMA CodeMetro/Demographic Market Area Code
Metro/DMAMetro/Demographic Market Area Name
Region/State CodeRegion/State Code
Region/StateRegion/State Name
ZipZip Code


CountNumber of conversions that have been attributed to a AIDEM line item. Note that the date for the count is based on time of conversion and not the time of impression (like in the Performance Report).
OrderThe number of items purchased as part of the conversion
ValueThis is the default value (in U.S. dollars) that a conversion event is worth to you. The value will only be used if a value is not present in the event tag.

Domain Report


MonthMonth name
Advertiser IDAIDEM Advertiser ID
Advertiser NameAIDEM Advertiser Name
Campaign IDAIDEM Campaign ID
Campaign NameAIDEM Campaign Name
Line Item IDAIDEM Line Item ID
Line Item NameAIDEM Line Item Name
Creative IDAIDEM Creative ID
Creative NameAIDEM Creative Name
DomainDomain of the site where you ad ran, like
Inventory SourceEx: INDEX, AIDEM
Flight NameAIDEM Flight Name
Flight IDAIDEM Flight ID


SpendIn USD $0.00
CPMCost per 1000 impressions - in USD
ImpressionsNumber of impressions counted
ClicksNumber of clicks counted
CTRClick Through Rate - number of clicks over number of impressions
Video PlaysNumber of video plays
Video Q1sNumber of videos that played to at least 25% completion
Video MidpointsNumber of videos that played to at least 50% completion
Video Q3sNumber of videos that played to at least 75% completion
Video Complete PercentPercentage of video completed by user
Video SkipsNumber of video skips performed
Video CompletesNumber of videos that played to 100% completion
vCPMThe CPM calculated against viewable impressions
Viewable ImpressionsThe number of impressions where at least 50% of an ad was in-view for more than a second
Viewability %Viewable Impressions / Total Impressions counted by AIDEM
Measurable Imp %Measurable Impressions / Total Impressions counted by AIDEM
Viewability/Measurability %Viewable Impressions / Measurable Impressions
Viewable SecondsTotal number of seconds that were viewable
Average Viewable SecondsViewable Seconds / Viewable Impressions
ConversionsNumber of conversions
Conversion ValueIn USD $0.00
Conversion OrdersIn USD $0.00
Spend per ConversionCost per Conversion

Events Report

The Events Report allows users to quickly monitor Event tags that are placed to track conversions. It supports several use cases such as:

  • Quickly verify that an Event tag is properly implemented on a customer's page and is correctly calling AIDEM DSP.
  • Monitor the last time an Event tag fired to check the tag is still active on a customer’s site.
  • Calculate an achievable KPI using organic conversions as a benchmark.

Included Metrics

  • Event Tag Fire Count
  • Event Order
  • Event Value

Please note that these metrics show the total number of times the Event tag was called. To see only attributed conversions, please use the ‘Conversions’ measure in alternative Report Builder reports.


MonthMonth Name
Advertiser IDAIDEM Advertiser ID
Advertiser NameAIDEM Advertiser Name
Advertiser Alternative IDCustomer Advertiser ID
Account IDAccount ID of Buzz key
Account NameAIDEM Account Name
Event IDAIDEM Event ID
Event NameAIDEM Event Name
Event TypePostback or Non-postback


Event Tag Fire CountTotal count of events tag fired
Event OrderIn USD $0.00
Event ValueIn USD $0.00

Geography Report


Account IDAIDEM Account ID
Campaign IDAIDEM Campaign ID
Campaign NameAIDEM Campaign Name
Line Item IDAIDEM Line Item ID
Line Item NameAIDEM Line Item Name
Creative IDAIDEM Creative ID
Creative NameAIDEM Creative Name
MonthMonth Name
City CodeCity Code
CityCity Name
Country CodeCountry Code
CountryCountry Name
Metro/DMA CodeMetro/Demographic Market Area Code
Metro/DMAMetro/Demographic Market Area Name
Region/State CodeRegion/State Code
Region/StateRegion/State Name
Flight NameAIDEM Flight Name
Flight IDAIDEM Flight ID


SpendIn USD $0.00
ImpressionsNumber of impressions counted
ClicksNumber of clicks counted
Video PlaysNumber of video plays
Video Q1sNumber of videos that played to at least 25% completion
Video MidpointsNumber of videos that played to at least 50% completion
Video Q3sNumber of videos that played to at least 75% completion
Video CompletesNumber of videos that played to 100% completion
Video SkipsNumber of video skips performed
CTRClick Through Rate - number of clicks over number of impressions
Video Complete PercentPercentage of video completed by user
CPMCost per 1000 impressions - in USD
Measurable ImpressionsThe number of impressions where viewability was measurable
vCPMThe CPM calculated against viewable impressions
Viewable ImpressionsThe number of impressions where at least 50% of an ad was in-view for more than a second
Viewability %Viewable Impressions / Total Impressions counted by AIDEM
Measurable Imp %Measurable Impressions / Total Impressions counted by AIDEM
Viewability/Measurability %Viewable Impressions / Measurable Impressions
Viewable SecondsTotal number of seconds that were viewable
Average Viewable SecondsViewable Seconds / Viewable Impressions
ConversionsNumber of Conversions

Inventory Report


Advertiser ID
Advertiser Name
Campaign ID
Campaign Name
Line Item ID
Line Item Name
Creative ID
Creative Name
Content Categories
Content Language
Inventory Source
Deal ID
Site ID
Site Name
Account ID
Campaign Alternative ID
Creative Alternative ID
Line Item Alternative ID
Advertiser Alternative ID
Placement Type
Ads_text Code
Publisher ID
Auction Type
Flight Name
Flight ID


SpendIn USD $0.00
CPMCost per 1000 impressions - in USD
ImpressionsNumber of impressions counted
ClicksNumber of clicks counted
CTRClick Through Rate - number of clicks over number of impressions
Video PlaysNumber of video plays
Video Q1sNumber of videos that played to at least 25% completion
Video MidpointsNumber of videos that played to at least 50% completion
Video Q3sNumber of videos that played to at least 75% completion
Video Complete PercentPercentage of video completed by user
Video CompletesNumber of videos that played to 100% completion
Video SkipsNumber of video skips performed
ConversionsNumber of conversions
Conversion ValueIn USD $0.00
Conversion OrdersIn USD $0.00
vCPMThe CPM calculated against viewable impressions
Viewable ImpressionsThe number of impressions where at least 50% of an ad was in-view for more than a second
Viewability %Viewable Impressions / Total Impressions counted by AIDEM
Measurable Imp %Measurable Impressions / Total Impressions counted by
Viewability/Measurability %Viewable Impressions / Measurable Impressions
Viewable SecondsTotal number of seconds that were viewable
Average Viewable SecondsViewable Seconds / Viewable Impressions
Video Companion ViewsNumber of companion views
Video Companion ClicksNumber of companion clicks
Video Companion CTRCompanion click-through rate

Performance Report


HourYYYY-MM-DD HH:00 - Based on the bid time for the impression.
MonthMonth name
Advertiser IDAIDEM Advertiser ID
Advertiser NameAIDEM Advertiser Name
Campaign IDAIDEM Campaign ID
Campaign NameAIDEM Campaign Name
Line Item IDAIDEM Line Item ID
Line Item NameAIDEM Line Item Name
Creative IDAIDEM Creative ID
Creative NameAIDEM Creative Name
Inventory Source IDThe full list of inventory sources available can be found here
Account IDAIDEM Account ID
SizeCreative Dimensions - width x height
Environment TypeAPP
Campaign Alternative IDCustomer Alternative Campaign ID
Creative Alternative IDCustomer Alternative Creative ID
Line Item Alternative IDCustomer Alternative Line Item ID
Advertiser Alternative IDCustomer Alternative Advertiser ID
CurrencyCurrency of the line item
Placement TypePlacement type of the impression (banner, video, banner and video, native, unknown)
Seat TypeSeat type of campaign (customer or AIDEM billable)
Bid Modifier IDAIDEM Bid Modifier ID
Bid Modifier NameAIDEM Bid Modifier Name
Ads_text CodeAds.txt response or error code
Auction_typeType of auction mechanic used - 1st price, 2nd price and custom values per exchange's business rules.
Advertiser DomainAIDEM Advertiser Domain
Video DurationDuration of video on video
Advertiser CategoryIAB category AIDEM advertiser belongs to.
Flight NameAIDEM Flight Name
Flight IDAIDEM Flight ID
Event ID1AIDEM Event ID
Event Alternative ID1AIDEM Event Alternative ID
Event Name1AIDEM Event Name

When adding these fields to a report you can see both impression and conversion data broken down by event-level information. However, any metric related to an impression event (e.g., impressions, video activities, associated clicks, etc.) has the potential to be duplicated when grouping by Event Dimensions as overlapping data may be shown in more than one row.


SpendMedia Spend + Vendor Fees in USD$ (when 'Spend with Vendor Fees' is selected as the 'Budget Type' on the Line Item. If 'Spend' is selected, this will equal 'Media Spend')
Media SpendBillable Spend on Media: Inventory Cost + Discrepancy allowance + AIDEM Media Seat Fee in USD$
Inventory CostExchange clearing price in USD$
CPMCost per 1000 impressions - in USD
ImpressionsNumber of impressions counted
ClicksNumber of clicks counted
CTRClick Through Rate - number of clicks over number of impressions
Video PlaysNumber of video plays
Video Q1sNumber of videos that played to at least 25% completion
Video MidpointsNumber of videos that played to at least 50% completion
Video Q3sNumber of videos that played to at least 75% completion
Video Complete PercentPercentage of video completed by user
Video CompletesNumber of videos that played to 100% completion
Video SkipsNumber of video skips performed
ConversionsNumber of conversions. Note that the timeframe will be based on the bid time for the impression, and not the time of conversion like in the Conversion Report.
Conversion ValueIn USD $0.00
Conversion OrdersIn USD $0.00
Clickthrough ConversionsUser was served an impression and clicked the ad within the clickthrough window prior to triggering the event. Cookie-based AIDEM attribution only.
Viewthrough ConversionsThe user was served an impression within the viewthrough window and did not click the ad in the clickthrough window prior to triggering the event. Cookie-based AIDEM attribution only.
Postback ConversionsCustomer or Postback vendor provided AIDEM an Auction ID to assign credit for a conversion. Provided by a non-AIDEM party via Postback endpoint.
Spend Per ConversionIn USD $0.00
RevenueIn USD $0.00
Gross MarginRevenue - spend, in USD $0.00
Gross Margin PercentPercentage of gross margin of total spend in USD $0.00
Vendor FeesIn USD $0.00. Includes AIDEM Ad Serving Fees, where the vendor name is "AIDEM".
Net MarginIn USD $0.00
Net Margin PercentIn USD $0.00
Viewable ImpressionThe number of impressions where at least 50% of an ad was in-view for more than a second
Measurable ImpressionThe number of impressions where viewability was measurable
vCPMThe CPM calculated against viewable impressions
Viewability %Viewable Impressions / Total Impressions counted by AIDEM
Measurable Imp %Measurable Impressions / Total Impressions counted by AIDEM
Viewability/Measurability %Viewable Impressions / Measurable Impressions
Viewable SecondsTotal number of seconds that were viewable
Average Viewable SecondsViewable Seconds / Viewable Impressions
Video Companion ViewsNumber of views of the video companion (Only VAST Inline)
Video Companion ClicksNumber of clicks on the video companion (Only VAST Inline)
Video Companion CTRNumber of clicks of the video companion over number of impressions of the video companion (Only VAST Inline)

Platform Report


MonthMonth Name
Advertiser IDAIDEM Advertiser ID
Advertiser NameAIDEM Advertiser Name
Campaign IDAIDEM Campaign ID
Campaign NameAIDEM Campaign Name
Line Item IDAIDEM Line Item ID
Line Item NameAIDEM Line Item Name
Creative IDAIDEM Creative ID
Creative NameAIDEM Creative Name
BrowserBrowser Type; -1 if unknown
Browser VersionBrowser version number
Javascript Enabled0 if no; 1 if yes; -1 if unknown
Platform OSPlatform Operating System, i.e. iOS
Platform OS VersionPlatform Operating System version, i.e. 6. -1 if unknown
Account IDAIDEM Account ID
Device MakeDevice Manufacturer
Device ModelDevice Model Code
Device TypeDevice Type (e.g. MOBILE, TABLET, PC)
Placement TypePlacement type of the impression (banner, video, banner and video, native, unknown)
Flight NameAIDEM Flight Name
Flight IDAIDEM Flight ID


SpendIn USD $0.00
CPMCost per 1000 impressions - in USD
ImpressionsNumber of impressions counted
ClicksNumber of clicks counted
CTRClick Through Rate - number of clicks over number of impressions
Video PlaysNumber of video plays
Video Q1sNumber of videos that played to at least 25% completion
Video MidpointsNumber of videos that played to at least 50% completion
Video Q3sNumber of videos that played to at least 75% completion
Video Complete PercentPercentage of video completed by user
Video CompletesNumber of videos that played to 100% completion
Video SkipsNumber of video skips performed
vCPMThe CPM calculated against viewable impressions
Viewable ImpressionsThe number of impressions where at least 50% of an ad was in-view for more than a second
Viewability %Viewable Impressions / Total Impressions counted by AIDEM
Measurable Imp %Measurable Impressions / Total Impressions counted by AIDEM
Viewability/Measurability %Viewable Impressions / Measurable Impressions
Viewable SecondsTotal number of seconds that were viewable
Average Viewable SecondsViewable Seconds / Viewable Impressions
ConversionsNumber of conversions

Vendor Report


Advertiser IDAIDEM Advertiser ID
Advertiser NameAIDEM Advertiser Name
Campaign IDAIDEM Campaign ID
Campaign NameAIDEM Campaign Name
Line Item IDAIDEM Line Item ID
Line Item NameAIDEM Line Item Name
Vendor IDAIDEM Vendor ID
Vendor Fee NameAIDEM Vendor Fee Name
Account IDAIDEM Account ID
Vendor NameAIDEM Vendor Name
Flight NameAIDEM Flight Name
Flight IDAIDEM Flight ID


SpendIn your default currency
Vendor FeesIn your default currency
ImpressionsNumber of impressions counted
Vendor Fees USDIn USD