Attributed Conversion Logs Schema

HeaderPositionDefinitionSQL DatatypeDDL Desc
account_id1AIDEM bidder account ID; represents the bidder seat for a particular clientINT8
advertiser_id2Advertiser ID for the conversionINT8
auction_id3Unique ID for every bid request in the system. A joining key for all the events associated with the bid request, like impression, clicks, and activities.VARCHAR(255)
bid_time4Time of the conversion's associated bid request on the attributed auction, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in ET timezoneTIMESTAMPYYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.MS in ET
bid_time_utc5Time of the conversion's associated bid request on the attributed auction, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in UTC timezoneTIMESTAMPYYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.MS in UTC
buzz_key6AIDEM Buzz key, an identifier for client bidder instancesVARCHAR(255)
conversion_id7Unique ID for every conversion in the system; system setVARCHAR(255)
conversion_ord8Random number used as a cachebuster to track multiple conversions. Set by clientVARCHAR(255)
conversion_order9The number of items purchased as part of the conversion. If provided as a string in the initial request, it will be coerced to 1. See conversion_order_raw for the alternative.VARCHAR(255)
rx_timestamp10Conversion received time in ET TimezoneTIMESTAMPYYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.MS in ET
rx_timestamp_utc11Conversion received time in UTC TimezoneTIMESTAMPYYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.MS in UTC
event_id12The Event ID for the conversion being reported. This is associated with an Event Name (specific conversion event) in the client bidder, and is set by the clientINT8
conversion_value13The value assigned to the conversion. If provided as a string in the initial request, the default value on Event is used instead. See conversion_value_raw for the alternative.NUMERIC(18,6)
create_time_utc14Time created; AIDEM internal bookkeeping fieldTIMESTAMPYYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.US in UTC
conversion_type15Signifies whether the conversion was attributed via Postback or Non-PostbackVARCHAR(255)
campaign_id16If using event assignment for attribution, the campaign ID of the campaign receiving attributionINT8
line_item_id17If using event assignment for attribution, the line item ID of the line item receiving attributionINT8
attribution_method18The methodology used to attribute the conversion, can be "VIEWTHROUGH," "CLICKTHROUGH,", "POSTBACK" or "SKADNETWORK"VARCHAR(255)
test_group_id19ID of the Test Group the user fell into within the test plan. Should match the Test Group assigned to the line itemINT4
experiment_user_index20Random number between 1-1000 assigned to a user. Used for test group assignmentINT4
test_plan_id21ID of the Test Plan associated with the campaignINT4
app_bundle22Application bundle or package name (e.g., This is intended to be a unique ID across multiple exchanges.VARCHAR(255)
creative_id23AIDEM ID for the creative that won the associated impression.INT4
postback_url24When the Conversion was sent to AIDEM via Postback, this field will populate the requested URL.VARCHAR(1024)
conversion_order_raw25The raw value passed to AIDEM in the Order field. This field does not undergo coercion to a numeric data type in attribution.VARCHAR(1024)
conversion_value_raw26The raw value passed to AIDEM in the Value field. This field does not undergo coercion to a numeric data type in attribution.VARCHAR(1024)
geo_city27City geo code IP address. MaxMindDB Lookup dataVARCHAR(255)
geo_country28Country geo name IP address. MaxMindDB Lookup dataVARCHAR(255)
geo_metro29Metro geo code IP address. MaxMindDB Lookup dataVARCHAR(255)
geo_region30Geo region name IP address. MaxMindDB Lookup dataVARCHAR(255)
geo_zip31Zip code IP address. MaxMindDB Lookup dataVARCHAR(255)
experiment_id_type32If the conversion was attributed to an impression as part of an experiment, this populates the associated ID type used for the experiment.VARCHAR(255)