Conversion Logs Schema

HeaderPositionDefinitionSQL DatatypeDDL Desc
buzz_key1AIDEM Buzz key, an identifier for client bidder instancesVARCHAR(255)
conversion_id2Unique ID for every conversion in the system; system setVARCHAR(255)
ord3Random number used as a cachebuster to track multiple conversions. Set by clientVARCHAR(255)
order4The number of items purchased as part of the conversion. Set by clientVARCHAR(255)
rx_timestamp5Conversion receipt time in ET TimezoneTIMESTAMPYYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.MS in ET
tag_id6The Event ID for the conversion being reported. This is associated with an Event Name (specific conversion event) in the client bidder, and is set by the clientINT4
user_id7Device ID for mobile, cookie for desktop. Will populate with cookie on a desktop OR an iOS/Android ID for mobileVARCHAR(255)
value8The value assigned to the conversion. Set by clientVARCHAR(255)
auction_id9Unique ID for every bid request in the system. A joining key for all the events associated with the bid request, like impression, clicks, and activities.VARCHAR(255)
is_gdpr10When this field is set to true, AIDEM has determined that this request needs to comply with GDPRINT2
rx_timestamp_utc11Conversion receipt time in UTC TimezoneTIMESTAMPYYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.MS in UTC
postback_url12When the Conversion was sent to AIDEM via Postback, this field will populate the requested URL.VARCHAR(1024)
geo_city13City geo code IP address. MaxMindDB Lookup dataVARCHAR(255)
geo_country14Country geo name IP address. MaxMindDB Lookup dataVARCHAR(255)
geo_metro15Metro geo code IP address. MaxMindDB Lookup dataVARCHAR(255)
geo_region16Geo region name IP address. MaxMindDB Lookup dataVARCHAR(255)
geo_zip17Zip code IP address. MaxMindDB Lookup dataVARCHAR(255)
ip_address18IPv4 or IPv6 addressVARCHAR(255)