Postback Handling for Conversions

To manage conversions when a javascript tag or image pixel cannot be installed, such as for app installs, AIDEM DSP offers the option of postback tags.

The images below summarize the general lifecycle of Click Attribution and Viewthrough Conversion postback events, respectively.

Custom Server-Side Postback Attribution (Not using common vendors listed below)

When creating an event for tracking conversions, in the Create Event window, select “Generic URL for mobile app install Postback”.

Fire this postback URL complete with the corresponding AUCTION_ID of the auction that deserves credit for the conversion. You can obtain the AUCTION_ID in the following ways:

  • For click attribution, in any environment, you may pass the AUCTION_ID to your attribution server directly upon the click using the {{AUCTION_ID}} macro in the click URL on the creative. You would then fire off the postback if that user ID converts. In desktop or mobile web, this generally requires a cookie sync in place with AIDEM DSP. Please contact your representative to discuss this.
  • Alternatively for click attribution in desktop and mobile web if you do not have an attribution server, do not want to set up cookie sync, or are redirecting from an app environment to a mobile web environment, you may pass the AUCTION_ID to your website in a landing page URL parameter using the {{AUCTION_ID}} macro in the click URL on the creative. You can then grab the AUCTION_ID from the landing page URL for usage in your data layer. You would then fire off the postback at the point of conversion on the website.
  • For viewthrough attribution, you may pass the AUCTION_ID to a server using the {{AUCTION_ID}} macro in an image pixel you include on your creative.
  • For more custom attribution models, you may obtain the desired AUCTION_ID by looking up the corresponding USER_ID and timestamp info. Please contact your representative to discuss this.