Bid Logs Schema

HeaderPositionDefinitionSQL DatatypeDDL Desc
ad_position1If applicable, ad position on pageVARCHAR(255)
app_bundle2Application bundle or package name (e.g., This is intended to be a unique ID across multiple exchanges.VARCHAR(255)
app_id3Application ID on the exchange. For uniqueness, Uses ad exchange/SSP identifier as prefix e.g. pm/ representing pubmaticVARCHAR(255)
app_name4Mobile app nameVARCHAR(255)
auction_id5Unique ID for every auction in the system. A joining key for all the events associated with the auction, like impression, clicks, and activities. Note that auction_id was previously unique to a single bid request, but it is now possible that a single bid request will contain multiple auctions. Refer to request_id for a unique id per bid request.VARCHAR(255)
bid_time6Time of bid request sent, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS in ET timezoneTIMESTAMPYYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.MS in ET
category7CSV of IAB-defined content categories:; determine type of content associated with a particular slice of inventoryVARCHAR(255)
content_coppa_flag8Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) Flag; inventory with this flag carries several ad quality limitationsBOOLEAN
content_language9Language in which content associated to the impression is written (as declared by the publisher)VARCHAR(255)
content_rating10Content parental rating (as declared by the publisher)VARCHAR(255)
domain11Domain name from which a given impression originatedVARCHAR(255)
environment_type12Environment type (APP or WEB)VARCHAR(255)
geo_city13City geo code IP address. MaxMindDB Lookup dataVARCHAR(255)
geo_country14Country geo name IP address. MaxMindDB Lookup dataVARCHAR(255)
geo_metro15Metro geo code IP address. MaxMindDB Lookup dataVARCHAR(255)
geo_region16Geo region name IP address. MaxMindDB Lookup dataVARCHAR(255)
geo_zip17Zip code IP address. MaxMindDB Lookup dataVARCHAR(255)
inventory_interstitial18determines if ad tag responsible for the impression accepts interstitial creatives or not; 1 for yes, 0 for noBOOLEAN
inventory_source19Inventory source - exchange nameVARCHAR(255)
inventory_source_relationship20Inventory source relationshipVARCHAR(255)
ip_address21IP address provided by the exchange during the auction. When no IPv4 address is present, the value is set to ''VARCHAR(255)
ip_range22IP address provided by the exchange during the auction (same as ip_address)VARCHAR(255)
placement23Placement ID/name, as provided by the publisher. Prefixed with exchange handle.VARCHAR(255)
platform_bandwidth24Shows whether the browser is using wifi or carrier to establish connection with internet to generate the impressionVARCHAR(255)
platform_browser25Name of browser used during the auction for the impression at handVARCHAR(255)
platform_browser_version26Version of browser used to during the auction for the impression at handVARCHAR(255)
platform_carrier27If the device is using a mobile carrier to establish internet connection, this field will identify which carrier is usedVARCHAR(255)
platform_device_didmd528Hardware device ID (e.g., IMEI); hashed via MD5VARCHAR(255)
platform_device_didsha129Hardware device ID (e.g., IMEI); hashed via SHA1VARCHAR(255)
platform_device_dpidmd530Platform device ID (e.g., Android ID); hashed via MD5VARCHAR(255)
platform_device_dpidsha131Platform device ID (e.g., Android ID); hashed via SHA1VARCHAR(255)
platform_device_idfa32iOS app ID; "Identifier for Advertisers"; deprecatedVARCHAR(255)
platform_device_ifa33ID sanctioned for advertiser use in the clear (i.e., not hashed)VARCHAR(255)
platform_device_make34Make of the device used to generate the impressionVARCHAR(255)
platform_device_model35Model of the device used to generate the impressionVARCHAR(255)
platform_device_screen_size36Screensize of the device used to generate the impressionVARCHAR(255)
platform_device_type37Type of the device used to generate the impressionVARCHAR(255)
platform_js38Indicates whether the browser supports JavaScript or notBOOLEAN
platform_os39Operating system of the device used to generate the impressionVARCHAR(255)
platform_os_version40Operating system version of the device used to generate the impressionVARCHAR(255)
segment_id41AIDEM segment IDVARCHAR(600)
segment_user_id42AIDEM segment user IDINT2
site_id43ID of the site that generated the impression, as provided by the publisher. Prefixed with exchange handle for uniqueness.VARCHAR(255)
site_name44Name of the site that generated the impression, as provided by the publisherVARCHAR(255)
time_of_week45Time of week in GPS weekly time during which the impression occurred; InternalINT4
user_id46Device ID for mobile, cookie for desktop. Will populate with cookie on a desktop OR an iOS/Android ID for mobileVARCHAR(255)
video_boxing_allowed47Indicates if letter-boxing of 4:3 content into a 16:9 window is allowed, where 0 = no, 1 = yesBOOLEAN
video_companion_required48A banner companion ad is required to accompany the video ad: 0=false, 1=trueBOOLEAN
video_playback_method49Video playback method, as determined by the publisher.VARCHAR(255)
video_player_size50Video player sizeVARCHAR(255)
video_start_delay51Indicates the start delay in seconds for pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll ad placementsINT2
placement_type53Placement type, indicates whether the placement is meant for banner, video ads, or bothVARCHAR(255)
geo_lat54Latitude associated with the impressionVARCHAR(50)
geo_long55Longitude associated with the impressionVARCHAR(50)
video_min_duration56Minimum duration of the video creative, as allowed by the publisherINT4
video_max_duration57Maximum duration of the video creative, as allowed by the publisherINT4
video_player_width58Width of the video player that is responsible for generating the impressionINT4
video_player_height59Height of the video player that is responsible for generating the impressionINT4
banner_width60Width of the banner placement tagINT4
banner_height61Height of the banner placement tagINT4
banner_width_max62Maximum width of the banner placement, as allowed by the publisherINT4
banner_height_max63Maximum height of the banner placement, as allowed by the publisherINT4
banner_width_min64Minimum width of the banner placement, as allowed by the publisherINT4
banner_height_min65Minimum height of the banner placement, as allowed by the publisherINT4
dnt66Do Not TrackINT4
geo_type67LocationType, how the geographic information was determinedVARCHAR(20)
bid_time_epoch_in_usecs68bid timestamp(epoch) with microsecond precision. Allows the customer to calculate the bid_time in any timezone instead of relying on bid_time field which is ET timezoneINT8
account_id69AIDEM bidder account ID; represents the bidder seat for a particular clientINT4
auction_adgroup_id70Combination of auction ID, buzzkey, account ID, campaign ID, and line item IDVARCHAR(255)
exchange_bid_price_micros_usd71Bid price in micros sent to the exchange. This includes bid_reduction and vendor_fees. 1 USD = 1,000,000 microsINT8
buzz_key72AIDEM Buzz key, an identifier for client bidder instancesVARCHAR(255)
campaign_id73ID of the campaign that submitted the bidINT4
campaign_revenue_amount_micros74Campaign revenue in micros. 1 USD = 1,000,000 microsINT8
campaign_revenue_type75Campaign revenue type determines how revenue is booked by the advertiser for a particular campaign; CPM or CPC (cost per click) basisVARCHAR(255)
creative_id76ID of the creative that was submitted within the bid requestINT4
customer_id77Customer AIDEM ID; cookie ID provided for a particular browser by AIDEMINT4
deal_id78Populated with the impression's Deal ID if an impression was sold via a deal.VARCHAR(255)
line_item_id79Line Item ID that was responsible for submitting the bid, as listed in AIDEMINT4
line_item_revenue_amount_micros80Amount of revenue booked by line item for winning this impression, in micros. 1 USD = 1,000,000 microsINT8
line_item_revenue_type81Type determines how the revenue was booked by the line item e.g. on a CPM or CPC basisVARCHAR(255)
bid_price_micros_usd82Bid price returned by the bidding agent(in USD micros). 1 USD = 1,000,000 microsINT8
sent_to_exchange83Always true. Signifies whether this was the bid internally sent to the exchangeBOOLEAN
total_cpm_vendor_fee_amount_micros84Internal, tracks total vendor fee per CPM. 1 USD = 1,000,000 microsINT8
total_percent_vendor_fee_amount_micros85Internal, tracks total vendor fee % of win_cost_micros_usd. 1 USD = 1,000,000 microsINT8
agent_id86Pending renaming to agent_id. Holds the agent_id field value of the BidAgentResponse return by the customer's bidding agent. If the line item uses Bid Models, this filed will contain the Bid Model ID. This can be used for debugging.VARCHAR(255)
agent_params87Pending renaming to agent_params. Holds the agent_params field value of the BidAgentResponse return by the customer's bidding agent. This can be used for debugging. If the line item uses Bid Models, this will contain the cache results for the Bid Model lookup. Format => {key}={value},{key}={value}..VARCHAR(600)
page_url88URL of the page responsible for the auctionVARCHAR(255)
exchange_predicted_view_rate89Predicted Viewability Rate of the impression within the auction, as determined by the exchange-auctionerNUMERIC(18,6)
available_deal_ids90Comma-separated list of all the available deal IDs on the associated Bid RequestVARCHAR(255)
battrs91CSV of Creative attributes that are blocked by the publisher, as declared by the publisherVARCHAR(255)
exchange_auction_id92Auction ID generated by the auction host ; different to that of AIDEMVARCHAR(255)
rewarded93States whether the placement tag behind the impression is meant for rewarded adsINT2
bid_price_micros94Bid price in native currency returned by the bidding agent(in micros). 1 Unit of LIne Item's Set Currency = 1,000,000 microsINT8
bid_price_micros_currency95Three letter currency code for bid_price_micros fieldVARCHAR(10)
bid_price_micros_currency_rate96Currency exchange rate (in decimal) at the auction timeNUMERIC(18,10)
ua97User agent header that is passed along by the browser to the auction host when an impression is generatedVARCHAR(255)
advertiser_id98Advertiser ID for the impressionINT4
bid_floor_micros99The floor or lowest allowable clearing price of the auction. 1 USD = 1,000,000 microsINT8
bid_floor_currency100If the bid floor is specified and multiple currencies are supported per bid request, the currency of the bid floor using ISO-4217 codesVARCHAR(10)
display_manager101Name of the ad mediation partner, SDK technology, or player responsible for rendering ad (typically video or mobile). Used by some ad servers to customize ad code by partner.VARCHAR(255)
display_manager_ver102Version of display_managerVARCHAR(255)
exchange_device_make103Device make provided by the exchange, e.g. "Apple"VARCHAR(255)
exchange_device_model104Device model provided by the exchange, e.g. "iPhone"VARCHAR(255)
auction_type105If 1, first price auction. If 2, second price auction. Additional auction types cna be defined as per the exchange's business rulesINT4
publisher_id106Publisher ID on the exchange. Prefixed with the exchange handle for uniquenessVARCHAR(255)
ads_txt107Ads.txt status for the request. It is an enum field, and can be one of the following values: UNKNOWN - The request was not augmented by the ads.txt augmentor (should never happen) NO_DOMAIN - The request does not contain a domain, either because it is not a web request (ie it is an app or native request) or it is a web request but does not contain a domain NO_ADS_TXT_FILE - The request's domain does not have an Ads.txt file ADS_TXT_NOT_SCANNED - We have not looked up the Ads.txt file for the request's domain NO_ADVERTISING_ALLOWED - The request's domain does not allow any advertising MISSING_PUB_ID - The request is missing a publisher id so we cannot check its Ads.txt status NOT_AUTH - The request's domain does have an Ads.txt file, but it does not allow advertising from this exchange / publisher ID combination AUTH_RESELLER - The domain's Ads.txt file allows this exchange / publisher ID to resell advertising AUTH_DIRECT - The domain's Ads.txt file allows this exchange / publisher ID to advertise directlyVARCHAR(20)
bid_modifier_id108ID of the Bid Modifier in BuzzINT8
bid_modifier_multipliers_product109Combined bid modifier multiplier applied to the bidNUMERIC(18.6)
matched_user_groups110Matched user IDs for match tables hosted by AIDEMVARCHAR(255)
ipv6_address111IPv6 address provided by the exchange during the auction. When no IPv6 address is present, the value is set to '0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0'VARCHAR(255)
flight_id112ID of the Line Item Flight in Buzz (if present)INT4
user_id_hashed113GDPR-compliant hashed user_idVARCHAR(255)
ip_address_hashed114GDPR-compliant hashed ipVARCHAR(255)
ipv6_address_hashed115GDPR-compliant hashed ipv6VARCHAR(255)
is_gdpr116When this field is set to true, AIDEM has determined that this request needs to comply with GDPRINT2
gdpr_consent_string117The raw IAB GDPR consent string as provided in the bid requestVARCHAR(255)
request_id118Unique ID for every bid request in the system. A joining key for all the events associated with the bid request, like impression, clicks, and activities. Note that it is possible to have multiple auction_ids for a single request_idVARCHAR(255)
person_linked_ids119Deprecated; will not be populated.VARCHAR(600)
household_linked_ids120Deprecated; will not be populated.VARCHAR(600)
video_protocols121Comma-separated list of video protocols that are accepted by the publisherVARCHAR(255)
banner_top_frame122Indicates if the banner is in the top frame as opposed to an iframeINT2
user_time_of_week123Time of week in GPS weekly time during which the impression occurred using the user's timezone; internalINT4
bid_time_utc124Time of bid request sent, in UTC timezoneTIMESTAMPYYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.MS in UTC
test_group_id125ID of the Test Group the user fell into within the test plan. Should match the Test Group assigned to the line itemINT4
experiment_user_index126Random number between 1-1000 assigned to a user. Used for test group assignmentINT4
test_plan_id127ID of the Test Plan associated with the campaignINT4
inventory_source_user_id128Unique consumer ID of the user, as defined by the exchange.VARCHAR(255)
mccmnc129Mobile carrier as defined by the concatenated MCC-MNC code.VARCHAR(255)
us_privacy130US Privacy String as defined by the IAB CCPA Compliance Framework, and used to define the regulatory context governing the personal data contained within the associated bid request.VARCHAR(255)
video_placement131The placement of the video impression (e.g., In-Stream)VARCHAR(255)
publisher_name132Publisher Name as specified on the OpenRTB request.VARCHAR(255)
deal_bid_floors133Comma-separated list of the bid floors for the available deal IDsVARCHAR(255)
bid_shade134The Bid Shade Status of the won impression. Will be one of: NOT_ELIGIBLE - Line Item was ineligible for bid shading BID_SHADED - Line Item had its bid shaded. CONTROL_GROUP - Line Item was eligible for bid shading but was selected for the control group of the algorithm.VARCHAR(255)
bid_reduction_micros135Value the bid was shaded by in micros.INT8
video_api136List of supported API frameworks for this impression.VARCHAR(255)
targeted_segments137AIDEM segment ID; contains all segments the user qualifies for that were also targeted on the line item that wonVARCHAR(600)
require_native_video138If the creative for the impression is of type Native, this field will be set to 1 when a video asset is required. The field will be 0 in all other cases.INT2
is_gdpr_consented139Whether the auction is regulated by GDPR AND the customer has been granted consent by the end user.INT2
targeted_lat_long_lists140The names of the lat/long lists specified that were targeted and matched on the given request.VARCHAR(255)
qag_media_rating141If defined, contains the QAG Media Rating of the content as defined by OpenRTB spec.VARCHAR(255)
guaranteed142Indicates whether a given line item is a guaranteed line item or not.INT2
creative_alt_id143If set, the alternative ID of the creative that won the auction will populate in this column.VARCHAR(255)
creative_name144The name of the creative as specified in Buzz.VARCHAR(255)
lat_long_list_item_ids145Comma-separated list of unique keys describing the matching lat/long list item IDs for this event. Formed as the cocatenation of the List ID and List Item ID.VARCHAR(255)
lat_long_list_item_names146Comma-separated list of names (if set) for the the matching lat/long list item IDs for this event. Displayed in the same order as the IDs in the previous column. If no name is set for the matched list item then the field will be set to an empty string for each given list item id. If multiple list items match this field may have multiple commas with no values in it.VARCHAR(255)
bcat147Blocked advertiser categories using the IAB content categories.VARCHAR(255)
platform_device_hwv148Hardware Version of the Device sent via OpenRTBVARCHAR(255)
platform_device_language149Browser language using ISO-639-1-alpha-2. Sent via OpenRTBVARCHAR(255)
platform_device_w150Physical width of the screen in pixelsINT4
platform_device_h151Physical height of the screen in pixelsINT4
platform_device_ppi152Screen size as pixels per linear inch.INT4
platform_device_pxratio153The ratio of physical pixels to device independent pixels.NUMERIC(18,6)
experiment_id_type154The ID type used for segregation of impressions for AIDEM's experiment feature.VARCHAR(255)
deal_ats155If the impression was purchased via a deal, this logs the auction type for all deals on the auction in the same order as the deal_ids column. 1 = First Price, 2 = Second Price, 3 = Fixed Price. Overrides "auction_type"
account_level_revenue_share_fee_type156If using the account-level revenue share feature, this column populates whether the fee is expressed as a reduction or fee.VARCHAR(255)
account_level_revenue_share_percent_micros157If using the account-level revenue share feature, this column populates the percentage of the rev share for the given impression in micros.INT8
tmax158The required time in milliseconds for the bid to respond to the exchange to be considered in the auctionINT4
video_skippable159If the ad is a video ad, this field indicates whether the creative trafficked could have been skippable.INT2
is_skadnetwork160Flags whether the inventory is SKAdNetwork enabled.INT2
lmt161Limit Ad Tracking (LMT) is a device-level opt-out setting, that allows users to limit the amount of information sent from their device to ad exchanges (including omitting their device ID)INT2
banner_format162Comma-separated list of banner formats (wxh) that are accepted by the publisherVARCHAR(255)
content_id163ID uniquely identifying the contentVARCHAR(255)
content_episode164Episode numberVARCHAR(255)
content_title165Content titleVARCHAR(255)
content_series166Content seriesVARCHAR(255)
content_season167Content seasonVARCHAR(255)
content_genre168Genre that best describes the contentVARCHAR(255)
content_contentrating169Content rating (e.g., MPAA)VARCHAR(255)
content_keywords170Comma separated list of keywords describing the contentVARCHAR(255)
content_livestream1710 = not live, 1 = content is live (e.g., stream, live blog)INT4
content_len172Length of content in seconds; appropriate for video or audioVARCHAR(255)
content_network_id173ID of the network the content is on. This may not be a unique identifier across all supply sourcesVARCHAR(255)
content_network_name174Network the content is on (e.g., a TV network like “ABC")VARCHAR(255)
content_network_domain175The primary domain of the network (e.g. “” in the case of the network ABC).VARCHAR(255)
content_channel_id176ID of the channel the content is on. This may not be a unique identifier across all supply sourcesVARCHAR(255)
content_channel_name177Channel the content is on (e.g., a local channel like “WABC-TV")VARCHAR(255)
content_channel_domain178The primary domain of the channel (e.g. “” in the case of the local channel WABC-TV)VARCHAR(255)
content_cat179Array of IAB content categories that describe the contentVARCHAR(255)