Win Notice


cf_latitudeFloat; optionalLatitude of the incoming request, e.g. 30.27130
cf_longitudeFloat; optionalLongitude of the incoming request, e.g. -97.74260
cf_coloString; optionalThe three-letter airport code (e.g. ATX, LUX) representing the colocation which processed the request
cf_asnInteger; optionalThe Autonomous System Number (ASN) of the request, e.g. 395747
cf_countryString; optionalThe two-letter country code of origin for the request. This is the same value as that provided in the CF-IPCountry header, e.g. "US"
cf_cityString; optionalCity of the incoming request, e.g. “Austin”.
cf_continentString; optionalContinent of the incoming request, e.g. “NA”
cf_postal_codeString; optionalPostal code of the incoming request, e.g. “78701”
cf_regionString; optionalIf known, the ISO 3166-2 name for the first level region associated with the IP address of the incoming request, e.g. “Texas”.
cf_region_codeString; optionalIf known, the ISO 3166-2 code for the first level region associated with the IP address of the incoming request, e.g. “TX”.
worker_cf_rayString; requiredThe Cf-Ray of the worker that handled the request
client_ipString; requiredThe ip of the request
timestampInteger; requiredThe timestamp of the request
dateString; requiredThe date of the request in the format YYYY-MM-DD
burlString; requiredThe burl to be called by the SSP to register the win with the DSP.
publisher_bidFloat; requiredThe CPM paid to the Publisher.
currencyString; requiredThe currency of the winning bid. For more information, see List of currencies.
imp_idString; requiredThe unique identifier of the impression that won the auction.
ad_unit_codeString; optionalThe unique identifier of the ad-unit-code. It's the ID of the div (aka placement)
auction_idString; optionalThe unique identifier of the auction.
transaction_idString; optionalThe unique identifier of the BidRequest transaction.
ttlInteger; optionalHow long (in seconds) this bid is considered valid.
request_timestampInteger; optionalTimestamp of when the request started.
response_timestampInteger; optionalTimestamp of when the request finished.
dsp_idString; requiredThe DSP id.
dsp_bidFloat; requiredThe bid amount of the DSP used to win the auction
publisher_idString; optionalThe id of the Publisher
site_idString; optionalThe id of the Site
placement idString; optionalThe id of the Placement