PreBid BidResponse


cf_latitudeFloat; optionalLatitude of the incoming request, e.g. 30.27130
cf_longitudeFloat; optionalLongitude of the incoming request, e.g. -97.74260
cf_coloString; optionalThe three-letter airport code (e.g. ATX, LUX) representing the colocation which processed the request
cf_asnInteger; optionalThe Autonomous System Number (ASN) of the request, e.g. 395747
cf_countryString; optionalThe two-letter country code of origin for the request. This is the same value as that provided in the CF-IPCountry header, e.g. "US"
cf_cityString; optionalCity of the incoming request, e.g. “Austin”.
cf_continentString; optionalContinent of the incoming request, e.g. “NA”
cf_postal_codeString; optionalPostal code of the incoming request, e.g. “78701”
cf_regionString; optionalIf known, the ISO 3166-2 name for the first level region associated with the IP address of the incoming request, e.g. “Texas”.
cf_region_codeString; optionalIf known, the ISO 3166-2 code for the first level region associated with the IP address of the incoming request, e.g. “TX”.
worker_cf_rayString; requiredThe Cf-Ray of the worker that handled the request
client_ipString; requiredThe ip of the request
timestampInteger; requiredThe timestamp of the request
dateString; requiredThe date of the request in the format YYYY-MM-DD
idString; requiredThe Auction ID generated by Prebid.js.
imp_idString; requiredThe unique identifier of this impression.
imp_tidString; requiredThe unique identifier of the BidRequest transaction.
imp_mediatypeString; requiredThe media type. One of banner, video.
imp_banner_topframeInteger; requiredSpecifies whether the banner ad is delivered in the top frame or in an iFrame, where:
0 = ad is displayed in an iframe
1 = ad will not be displayed in an iframe.
imp_banner_formatArray of Objects; requiredArray of Format Object objects specifying the banner sizes permitted for an impression opportunity.
imp_video_contextString; requiredVideo placement where:
instream = instream video
outstream = outstream video
imp_video_mimesArray of Strings; requiredA list of supported video content MIME types. Popular MIME types supported by HTML5 players include:
imp_video_protocolsArray of Integers; requiredAn array of supported video protocols. At least one supported protocol must be specified, where:
2 = VAST 2.0
3 = VAST 3.0
5 = VAST 2.0 wrapper
6 = VAST 3.0 wrapper
imp_video_maxdurationInteger; optionalMaximum video ad duration, in seconds.
imp_video_mindurationInteger; optionalMinimum video ad duration, in seconds.
imp_floor_valueFloat; requiredThe value of the floor price.
imp_floor_currencyString; requiredOne of List of currencies.
imp_imp_extObject; optionalJSON object containing arbitrary first party data.
device_uaString; requiredThe content of the HTTP_USER_AGENT header for this user. Anything above 512 characters is truncated.
device_languageString; optionalThe first two characters of the header, in uppercase. For example, HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE "EN"
device_connectiontypeInteger; optionalThe network connection type that the device uses, where:
0 = unknown
1 = ethernet
2 = WiFi
3 = cellular network - unknown generation
4 = cellular network - 2G
5 = cellular network - 3G
6 = cellular network - 4G
7 = cellular network - 5G
device_screen_widthInteger; requiredThe screen width.
device_screen_heightInteger; requiredThe screen height.
tmaxInteger; requiredMaximum time in milliseconds that AIDEM allows to receive bids.
curArray of Strings; requiredThe currencies that publishers will accept in bid responses. For more information, see List of currencies.
tzInteger; optionalThe client timezone offset.
regs_gdpr_appliesBoolean; requiredRepresents whether the user in question is in an area where GDPR applies.
regs_usp_appliesBoolean; requiredRepresents whether the user in question is in an area where US Privacy applies.
regs_coppa_appliesBoolean; requiredSpecifies whether this request is subject to the United States Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), where:
false = no
true = yes
Note: BidRequest with coppa=1 will not be processed by AIDEM.
regs_us_privacyString; optionalUS Privacy/CCPA notice and opt-out status information.
site_idString; requiredA static value that represents the site’s ID.
site_domainString; requiredA static value that represents the site’s domain.
site_pageString; requiredThe URL of the page where this impression will be shown. Anything above 512 characters is truncated.
site_refererString; requiredThe referring URL that caused navigation to the page hosting this impression. Anything above 512 characters is truncated.
site_catArray of Strings; optionalA single-element array representing the standard IAB content category for the overall site. For example, ["IAB3-7"] See section 6.1 of the OpenRTB Specification (version 2.5) for a full list.
site_sectioncatArray of Strings; optionalA single-element array representing the standard IAB content category for the overall site. For example, ["IAB3-7"] See section 6.1 of the OpenRTB Specification (version 2.5) for a full list.
site_keywordsString; optionalThe string of keywords
site_site_extObject; optionalThe Site Extension Object. Arbitrary JSON object
site_publisher_idString; requiredThe AIDEM-specific publisher ID.
site_publisher_nameString; optionalThe AIDEM-specific publisher ID.
environment_riObject; optionalThe Referrer Info Object
environment_hlInteger; optionalHistory length.
environment_navObject; requiredJSON string representing the navigator object, may vary from browser to browser.
environment_inp_eucBoolean; optionalChecks that the encodeUriComponent function has not been overwritten.
environment_inp_euBoolean; optionalChecks that the encodeUri function has not been overwritten.
environment_inp_jsBoolean; optionalChecks that the JSON.stringify function has not been overwritten.
environment_inp_jpBoolean; optionalChecks that the JSON.parse function has not been overwritten.
environment_inp_ofeBoolean; optionalChecks that the Object.fromEntries function has not been overwritten.
environment_inp_oaBoolean; optionalChecks that the Object.assign function has not been overwritten.
environment_wpar_inner_widthInteger; optionalThe value of the window.innerWidth.
environment_wpar_inner_heightInteger; optionalThe value of the window.innerHeight.
atInteger; requiredThe Auction type where:
1 = first price
2 = second price