OpenRTB BidRequest


cf_latitudeFloat; optionalLatitude of the incoming request, e.g. 30.27130
cf_longitudeFloat; optionalLongitude of the incoming request, e.g. -97.74260
cf_coloString; optionalThe three-letter airport code (e.g. ATX, LUX) representing the colocation which processed the request
cf_asnInteger; optionalThe Autonomous System Number (ASN) of the request, e.g. 395747
cf_countryString; optionalThe two-letter country code of origin for the request. This is the same value as that provided in the CF-IPCountry header, e.g. "US"
cf_cityString; optionalCity of the incoming request, e.g. “Austin”.
cf_continentString; optionalContinent of the incoming request, e.g. “NA”
cf_postal_codeString; optionalPostal code of the incoming request, e.g. “78701”
cf_regionString; optionalIf known, the ISO 3166-2 name for the first level region associated with the IP address of the incoming request, e.g. “Texas”.
cf_region_codeString; optionalIf known, the ISO 3166-2 code for the first level region associated with the IP address of the incoming request, e.g. “TX”.
worker_cf_rayString; requiredThe Cf-Ray of the worker that handled the request
client_ipString; requiredThe ip of the request
timestampInteger; requiredThe timestamp of the request
dateString; requiredThe date of the request in the format YYYY-MM-DD
idString; requiredThe id of the Bid Request
tmaxInteger; requiredMaximum time in milliseconds that AIDEM allows to receive bids. The tmax field does not subtract internet latency between AIDEM and the DSP.
curString array; optionalThe currencies that publishers will accept in bid responses. For more information, see List of currencies.
bcatArray of Strings; optionalAn array of blocked advertiser categories, based on standard IAB content categories. The full list is available in section 5.1 of the OpenRTB Specification (version 2.5).
site_idString; requiredThe AIDEM-assigned unique identifier for the website.
site_catArray of Strings; optionalA single-element array representing the standard IAB content category for the overall site. For example, ["IAB3-7"] See section 6.1 of the OpenRTB Specification (version 2.2) for a full list.
site_domainString; optionalA static value that represents the site’s domain.
site_pageString; optionalThe URL of the page where this impression will be shown.
site_refString; optionalThe referring URL that caused navigation to the page hosting this impression. Anything above 512 characters is truncated.
site_publisher_idString; requiredThe AIDEM-specific publisher ID.
site_publisher_nameString; optionalA name that represents the publisher
user_ata_page_levelArray of Object; optionalArray of ATA Segment Object.
user_ata_user_levelArray of Object; optionalArray of ATA Segment Object.
user_gdprString; optionalWhen present, it contains the data structure developed by the GDPR Consent Working Group.
imp_idString; requiredA unique identifier for this impression.
imp_tagidString; optionalA unique identifier for the ad placement or ad tag on a publisher's website that was used to initiate the auction.
imp_banner_formatArray of Objects; optionalArray of Format Object objects specifying the banner sizes permitted for an impression opportunity.
imp_banner_hInteger; requiredThe height of this impression, in pixels.
imp_banner_wInteger; requiredThe width of this impression, in pixels.
imp_banner_topframeInteger; requiredSpecifies whether the banner ad is delivered in the top frame or in an iFrame, where:
0 = ad is displayed in an iframe
1 = ad will not be displayed in an iframe
imp_banner_idString; optionalA unique identifier for this banner object; especially useful for tracking multiple Banner Objects (for example, in companion banner array). It usually begins with 1 and increases with each object.
imp_secureInteger; requiredSpecifies whether impressions require secure HTTPS URL creative assets and markup, where:
1 = secure assets and markup are required
Note: AIDEM does not support unsecure assets and markup.
imp_video_maxdurationInteger; requiredMaximum video ad duration, in seconds.
imp_video_mindurationInteger; requiredMinimum video ad duration, in seconds.
imp_video_mimesArray of Strings; requiredA list of supported video content MIME types. Popular MIME types supported by HTML5 players include:
imp_video_protocolsArray of Integers; requiredAn array of supported video protocols. At least one supported protocol must be specified, where:
2 = VAST 2.0
3 = VAST 3.0
5 = VAST 2.0 wrapper
6 = VAST 3.0 wrapper
imp_video_hInteger; optionalThe height of the player, in pixels.
imp_video_wInteger; optionalThe width of the player, in pixels.
imp_video_maxbitrateInteger; optionalThe maximum bit rate in Kbps.
imp_video_minbitrateInteger; optionalThe minimum bit rate in Kbps.
imp_video_placementInteger; requiredThe video's placement type, where:
1 = in stream
imp_video_skipInteger; optionalSpecifies whether the player allows the video to be skipped, where:
0 = no
1 = yes
imp_video_skipafterInteger; optionalNumber of seconds a video must play before skipping is enabled; only applicable if the ad is skippable.
imp_video_playbackmethodArray of Integers; optionalA list of allowed playback methods, where:
1 = auto-play sound on
2 = auto-play sound off
3 = click-to-play
imp_bidfloorFloat; optionalThe minimum bid for this impression in CPM.
imp_bidfloorcurString; optionalThe currencies that publishers will accept in bid responses. For more information, see List of currencies.
imp_instlInteger; optionalSpecifies whether an ad is interstitial, where:
0 = ad is not interstitial
1 = ad is interstitial or full screen
imp_rwddInteger; requiredIndicates if this impression is associated with a rewarded placement, where:
0 = ad is not a rewarded placement
1 = ad is a rewarded placement
Note: BidRequest with rwdd=1 will not be processed by AIDEM.
imp_pmp_private_auctionInteger; optionalThe scope of DSP bidding eligibility for this impression, where:
1 is Private (eligible bids are restricted to the deals specified).
imp_pmp_dealsArray of Objects; optionalA collection of Deals Object containing any deals eligible for this impression.
device_carrierString; optionalThe carrier or ISP. For example, “VERIZON”.“WIFI” is often used in mobile to indicate high bandwidth (for example, video friendly vs. cellular).
device_devicetypeInteger; optionalThe device type in use for this impression, if available, where:
2 = desktop
3 = connected TV
4 = Phone
5 = Tablet
device_geo_cityString; optionalThe city, as per United Nations Code for Trade & Transport Locations. See UN/LOCODE Code List.
device_geo_countryString; optionalThe country code, using ISO-3166-1-alpha-3.
device_geo_latFloat; optionalThe latitude from -90.0 to +90.0, where negative is south.
device_geo_lonFloat; optionalThe longitude from -180.0 to +180.0, where negative is west.
device_geo_metroString; optionalThe Google metro code; similar to but not exactly Nielsen DMAs. See List of Google Metro Codes.
device_geo_regionString; optionalThe region code using ISO-3166-2; 2-letter state code if USA ("US" ).
device_geo_typeInteger; optionalThe source of location data, where:
1 = GPS
2 = IP Address
3 = User provided
device_geo_zipString; optionalThe zip code or postal code.
device_geo_utcoffsetInteger; optionalThe local time as the number +/- of minutes from UTC.
device_connectiontypeInteger; optionalThe network connection type that the device uses, where:
0 = unknown
1 = ethernet
2 = WiFi
3 = cellular network - unknown generation
4 = cellular network - 2G
5 = cellular network - 3G
6 = cellular network - 4G
7 = cellular network - 5G
device_ipString; optionalA dotted-octet representation of the IPv4 address of the user.
device_ipv6String; optionalThe IP address closest to the device, specified in IPv6 format (for example, "fe80:0:0:0:200:f8ff:fe21:67cf").
device_languageString; optionalThe first two characters of the header, in uppercase. For example, HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE "EN"
device_makeString; optionalThe device make. For example, "Apple".
device_modelString; optionalThe device model. For example,"iPhone"
device_osString; optionalThe device operating system. For example, "iOS"
device_osvString; optionalThe device operating system version. For example, “3.1.2"
device_uaString; optionalThe content of the HTTP_USER_AGENT header for this user. Anything above 512 characters is truncated.
ext_tzInteger; optionalThe user time zone derived from the JavaScript getTimezoneOffset() function.
ext_dfp_ad_unit_codeString; optionalInternal AIDEM object.
ext_gpidString; optionalInternal AIDEM object.
ext_eipString; optionalInternal AIDEM object.
ext_ethString; optionalInternal AIDEM object.
regs_coppaInteger; requiredSpecifies whether this request is subject to the United States Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), where:
0 = no
1 = yes
Note: BidRequest with coppa=1 will not be processed by AIDEM.
regs_ext_gdpr_appliesInteger; requiredSpecifies whether the request is subject to regulations, where:
0 = request is not subject to regulations.
1 = request is subject to regulations
regs_ext_us_privacyString; requiredSpecifies whether US privacy laws (for example, CCPA) apply or don't apply to the user in the bid request. This field contains four characters. For example, 1YYN. The meaning of each character is based on its position in the string as defined below:
- 1st character: The version number for the US privacy string specification used to encode the string.
- 2nd character: Specifies whether the user had explicit notice and the choice to opt-out of the sale of their personal information, where:
N = no
Y = yes
- = not applicable
- 3rd character: Specifies whether the user has opted-out of the sale of their personal information, where:
N = no
Y = yes
- = not applicable
- 4th character: Specifies whether the publisher is a signed party to the IAB Limited Service Provider Agreement (LSPA). The publisher specifies whether the transaction is either a Covered Opt Out Transaction or a Non Opt Out Transaction, where:
N = no
Y = yes
- = not applicable
For example, a string passed as 1--- specifies that a US privacy regulation does not apply to the bid request.
Note: When a consumer chooses to opt-out of the sale of their personal information, the following bid request fields are automatically adjusted:
- ip (device object): The last octet of the user’s IP address is replaced with a zero.
- lat and lon (geo object): Latitude and longitude coordinates are reduced to two decimals which translates to accuracy no less than one third of a mile.
- All unique IDs from the bid request in the device and user objects that indirectly identify a user are removed.
- deals (PMP object): Audience segment targeted deal IDs are no longer added to the bid request.
atInteger; requiredThe Auction type where:
1 = first price
2 = second price