OpenRTB BidRequest
Field | Type | Description |
cf_latitude | Float; optional | Latitude of the incoming request, e.g. 30.27130 |
cf_longitude | Float; optional | Longitude of the incoming request, e.g. -97.74260 |
cf_colo | String; optional | The three-letter airport code (e.g. ATX, LUX) representing the colocation which processed the request |
cf_asn | Integer; optional | The Autonomous System Number (ASN) of the request, e.g. 395747 |
cf_country | String; optional | The two-letter country code of origin for the request. This is the same value as that provided in the CF-IPCountry header, e.g. "US" |
cf_city | String; optional | City of the incoming request, e.g. “Austin”. |
cf_continent | String; optional | Continent of the incoming request, e.g. “NA” |
cf_postal_code | String; optional | Postal code of the incoming request, e.g. “78701” |
cf_region | String; optional | If known, the ISO 3166-2 name for the first level region associated with the IP address of the incoming request, e.g. “Texas”. |
cf_region_code | String; optional | If known, the ISO 3166-2 code for the first level region associated with the IP address of the incoming request, e.g. “TX”. |
worker_cf_ray | String; required | The Cf-Ray of the worker that handled the request |
client_ip | String; required | The ip of the request |
timestamp | Integer; required | The timestamp of the request |
date | String; required | The date of the request in the format YYYY-MM-DD |
id | String; required | The id of the Bid Request |
tmax | Integer; required | Maximum time in milliseconds that AIDEM allows to receive bids. The tmax field does not subtract internet latency between AIDEM and the DSP. |
cur | String array; optional | The currencies that publishers will accept in bid responses. For more information, see List of currencies. |
bcat | Array of Strings; optional | An array of blocked advertiser categories, based on standard IAB content categories. The full list is available in section 5.1 of the OpenRTB Specification (version 2.5). |
site_id | String; required | The AIDEM-assigned unique identifier for the website. |
site_cat | Array of Strings; optional | A single-element array representing the standard IAB content category for the overall site. For example, ["IAB3-7 "] See section 6.1 of the OpenRTB Specification (version 2.2) for a full list. |
site_domain | String; optional | A static value that represents the site’s domain. |
site_page | String; optional | The URL of the page where this impression will be shown. |
site_ref | String; optional | The referring URL that caused navigation to the page hosting this impression. Anything above 512 characters is truncated. |
site_publisher_id | String; required | The AIDEM-specific publisher ID. |
site_publisher_name | String; optional | A name that represents the publisher |
user_ata_page_level | Array of Object; optional | Array of ATA Segment Object. |
user_ata_user_level | Array of Object; optional | Array of ATA Segment Object. |
user_gdpr | String; optional | When present, it contains the data structure developed by the GDPR Consent Working Group. |
imp_id | String; required | A unique identifier for this impression. |
imp_tagid | String; optional | A unique identifier for the ad placement or ad tag on a publisher's website that was used to initiate the auction. |
imp_banner_format | Array of Objects; optional | Array of Format Object objects specifying the banner sizes permitted for an impression opportunity. |
imp_banner_h | Integer; required | The height of this impression, in pixels. |
imp_banner_w | Integer; required | The width of this impression, in pixels. |
imp_banner_topframe | Integer; required | Specifies whether the banner ad is delivered in the top frame or in an iFrame, where:0 = ad is displayed in an iframe1 = ad will not be displayed in an iframe |
imp_banner_id | String; optional | A unique identifier for this banner object; especially useful for tracking multiple Banner Objects (for example, in companion banner array). It usually begins with 1 and increases with each object. |
imp_secure | Integer; required | Specifies whether impressions require secure HTTPS URL creative assets and markup, where: 1 = secure assets and markup are requiredNote: AIDEM does not support unsecure assets and markup. |
imp_video_maxduration | Integer; required | Maximum video ad duration, in seconds. |
imp_video_minduration | Integer; required | Minimum video ad duration, in seconds. |
imp_video_mimes | Array of Strings; required | A list of supported video content MIME types. Popular MIME types supported by HTML5 players include: video/mp4 video/webm video/ogg |
imp_video_protocols | Array of Integers; required | An array of supported video protocols. At least one supported protocol must be specified, where: 2 = VAST 2.0 3 = VAST 3.0 5 = VAST 2.0 wrapper 6 = VAST 3.0 wrapper |
imp_video_h | Integer; optional | The height of the player, in pixels. |
imp_video_w | Integer; optional | The width of the player, in pixels. |
imp_video_maxbitrate | Integer; optional | The maximum bit rate in Kbps. |
imp_video_minbitrate | Integer; optional | The minimum bit rate in Kbps. |
imp_video_placement | Integer; required | The video's placement type, where: 1 = in stream |
imp_video_skip | Integer; optional | Specifies whether the player allows the video to be skipped, where:0 = no 1 = yes |
imp_video_skipafter | Integer; optional | Number of seconds a video must play before skipping is enabled; only applicable if the ad is skippable. |
imp_video_playbackmethod | Array of Integers; optional | A list of allowed playback methods, where:1 = auto-play sound on2 = auto-play sound off3 = click-to-play |
imp_bidfloor | Float; optional | The minimum bid for this impression in CPM. |
imp_bidfloorcur | String; optional | The currencies that publishers will accept in bid responses. For more information, see List of currencies. |
imp_instl | Integer; optional | Specifies whether an ad is interstitial, where:0 = ad is not interstitial 1 = ad is interstitial or full screen |
imp_rwdd | Integer; required | Indicates if this impression is associated with a rewarded placement, where:0 = ad is not a rewarded placement1 = ad is a rewarded placementNote: BidRequest with rwdd=1 will not be processed by AIDEM. |
imp_pmp_private_auction | Integer; optional | The scope of DSP bidding eligibility for this impression, where:1 is Private (eligible bids are restricted to the deals specified). |
imp_pmp_deals | Array of Objects; optional | A collection of Deals Object containing any deals eligible for this impression. |
device_carrier | String; optional | The carrier or ISP. For example, “VERIZON”.“WIFI” is often used in mobile to indicate high bandwidth (for example, video friendly vs. cellular). |
device_devicetype | Integer; optional | The device type in use for this impression, if available, where:2 = desktop3 = connected TV4 = Phone5 = Tablet |
device_geo_city | String; optional | The city, as per United Nations Code for Trade & Transport Locations. See UN/LOCODE Code List. |
device_geo_country | String; optional | The country code, using ISO-3166-1-alpha-3. |
device_geo_lat | Float; optional | The latitude from -90.0 to +90.0, where negative is south. |
device_geo_lon | Float; optional | The longitude from -180.0 to +180.0, where negative is west. |
device_geo_metro | String; optional | The Google metro code; similar to but not exactly Nielsen DMAs. See List of Google Metro Codes. |
device_geo_region | String; optional | The region code using ISO-3166-2; 2-letter state code if USA ("US" ). |
device_geo_type | Integer; optional | The source of location data, where:1 = GPS2 = IP Address3 = User provided |
device_geo_zip | String; optional | The zip code or postal code. |
device_geo_utcoffset | Integer; optional | The local time as the number +/- of minutes from UTC. |
device_connectiontype | Integer; optional | The network connection type that the device uses, where:0 = unknown1 = ethernet2 = WiFi3 = cellular network - unknown generation4 = cellular network - 2G5 = cellular network - 3G6 = cellular network - 4G7 = cellular network - 5G |
device_ip | String; optional | A dotted-octet representation of the IPv4 address of the user. |
device_ipv6 | String; optional | The IP address closest to the device, specified in IPv6 format (for example, "fe80:0:0:0:200:f8ff:fe21:67cf"). |
device_language | String; optional | The first two characters of the header, in uppercase. For example, HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE "EN" |
device_make | String; optional | The device make. For example, "Apple". |
device_model | String; optional | The device model. For example,"iPhone" |
device_os | String; optional | The device operating system. For example, "iOS" |
device_osv | String; optional | The device operating system version. For example, “3.1.2" |
device_ua | String; optional | The content of the HTTP_USER_AGENT header for this user. Anything above 512 characters is truncated. |
ext_tz | Integer; optional | The user time zone derived from the JavaScript getTimezoneOffset() function. |
ext_dfp_ad_unit_code | String; optional | Internal AIDEM object. |
ext_gpid | String; optional | Internal AIDEM object. |
ext_eip | String; optional | Internal AIDEM object. |
ext_eth | String; optional | Internal AIDEM object. |
regs_coppa | Integer; required | Specifies whether this request is subject to the United States Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), where:0 = no1 = yesNote: BidRequest with coppa=1 will not be processed by AIDEM. |
regs_ext_gdpr_applies | Integer; required | Specifies whether the request is subject to regulations, where:0 = request is not subject to regulations. 1 = request is subject to regulations |
regs_ext_us_privacy | String; required | Specifies whether US privacy laws (for example, CCPA) apply or don't apply to the user in the bid request. This field contains four characters. For example, 1YYN . The meaning of each character is based on its position in the string as defined below: - 1st character: The version number for the US privacy string specification used to encode the string. - 2nd character: Specifies whether the user had explicit notice and the choice to opt-out of the sale of their personal information, where: N = no Y = yes - = not applicable- 3rd character: Specifies whether the user has opted-out of the sale of their personal information, where: N = no Y = yes - = not applicable- 4th character: Specifies whether the publisher is a signed party to the IAB Limited Service Provider Agreement (LSPA). The publisher specifies whether the transaction is either a Covered Opt Out Transaction or a Non Opt Out Transaction, where: N = no Y = yes - = not applicableFor example, a string passed as 1--- specifies that a US privacy regulation does not apply to the bid request. Note: When a consumer chooses to opt-out of the sale of their personal information, the following bid request fields are automatically adjusted: - ip (device object): The last octet of the user’s IP address is replaced with a zero.- lat and lon (geo object): Latitude and longitude coordinates are reduced to two decimals which translates to accuracy no less than one third of a mile. - All unique IDs from the bid request in the device and user objects that indirectly identify a user are removed. - deals (PMP object): Audience segment targeted deal IDs are no longer added to the bid request. |
at | Integer; required | The Auction type where:1 = first price2 = second price |