DSP Data Feed

AIDEM Stream can be used to send data directly to the DSP, requiring no additional configuration, your Account Manager will take care of activation.

Stream can activate the following features (or a combination of these):

  • Post-click Event measurement
  • Post-view Event measurement
  • Audience Building

If you request post-view measurement or Audience Building, Stream will add two cookies to the browser:

bitoIsSecurebidr.io394 daysThis cookie is used to check that the bito cookie is securely sent.
bitobidr.io394 daysThis cookie does not store directly personal information, but is based on uniquely identifying your browser and internet device to retarget a browser with digital advertising.

For these cookies we provide a Privacy Policy and a Cookie Policy

AIDEM Stream can measure conversion without using cookies, localstorage, or any kind of persistent device ID. It uses a server-side aggregated probabilistic ID that expires within 72 hours to distinguish a device as "reached by an Ad" versus "not reached by an Ad". This ID is not surfaced on the DSP and cannot be used for retargeting.

Cookie Less conversions will be reported ad "Postback Conversions" in the DSP UI.

Browser Support

Cookie Less measurement works on all browsers including Safari and Firefox.


Stream uses a first-touch attribution measurement, using UTMs to detect other sources.

  1. A conversion event (e.g., "Purchase") happens on the customer website.
  2. Stream uses a 72 hours lookback window to check if there are any landing with UTMs matching the device.
  3. If there's a match, no conversion is recorded by Stream.
  4. If there's no matches, the conversion is recorded by Stream and attributed first touch to the DSP.